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Drunk drivers
My trial--get on with it!
Plan's on the move
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Fun with Monday Knight
Saturday, 21 January 2006
He thinks it will be an "OJ Trial"
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Procrastination--it's the sin of the nation
Topic: My trial--get on with it!
OK, I know you've all been waiting impatiently for the court case with the drunk driver who ran me down. It seems like that was a lifetime ago. I just want them to get on with it and get it over with so I can get on with my life.

So what's the holdup? Well, it's been scheduled and postponed over a dozen times. Every time the appointed day arrives, there is some big news story that gets in the way. I mean there were a couple of hurricanes, a mine explosion, a reporter who is missing in Iraq, and even "Gov. Ahnold" got a ticket for driving his motorcycle without a license! I mean, these things are so important, but apart from the governor's faux pas, none of them have anything to do with California, and that's where my trial (well, OK, the trial for the guy who hit me) is going to be.

I think I finally figured out why the judge keeps asking for postponements. Word has it that he has his vision set on either a Senate seat or the governor's job. What does that have to do with it? Elementary, my dear Watson! If there is no competition for the news once the trial gets started, he figures he can milk it for all it's worth and get as much mileage out of this one as Judge Ito got from the OJ case.

Ah, to be a "normal" person--one without all the strings of fame attached. Well, stay tuned. the latest word I had was that the trial will start on Feb. 5. Wait a minute! I just glanced at my calendar. That's a Sunday! There's still something mighty fishy about this, and it's not in the sushi!
Stay tuned.

Posted by meetmondayknight at 10:56 AM CST
Tuesday, 26 July 2005
More info. on MADD
Mood:  cool
Topic: Plan's on the move
If you go to my website at http://meetmondayknight.tripod.com and click on the "Getting MADD, not even" page, you can get in on the grass roots of my plan to make the world a better place. I'll keep you informed as the program moves ahead.
And if you know any young people's groups that would like to set up a chat with me, just send me a note from my website or leave a comment on here.
Oh, I feel like I've been "reborn"--again!!! Life is GOOD!

Posted by meetmondayknight at 9:22 PM CDT
Monday, 25 July 2005
All riled up
Topic: Drunk drivers
I just got the notice that the guy that ran into me is going to trial next week. It makes me so mad! Now that I'm out of the hospital and Stephen and I are married, I should move on with my life. Still, when I saw that guy in the restaurant last night drink three martinis and then go out and have the valet bring his car around and he got in it and drove off... Well, I wanted to call the cops and let them know! If only the battery on my stupid cell phone hadn't been dead!!
Oh, well, maybe it's better not to get mad, but to... What can I possibly do to make things safer for other people so they don't have to go what I went through? Hey, I've heard about some outfit called MADD! I think it's something like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers! Aha! I'll track them down and see what I can do to help them.
Yup, that's going to be my new motto: Don't get mad, get MADD!
Oh, I feel better already! Stay tuned.

Posted by meetmondayknight at 7:24 PM CDT
Saturday, 23 July 2005
Yawn! As long as I'm still recovering
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: At http://meetmondayknight.tripod.com
Stephen, my "other half," insists that I am still in need of some recovery time, so I decided I might as well share some of my life with you. Just so we can get acquainted a little bit, go to the movie that is "now playing" above and run the reel of my life past you. It's been a bit of up's and down's lately, but I'm ready to PARTY! Come on along. Oh, and I've been on the prowl for a gal named Tuesday. I finally found her. Now to wait for an answer from my e-mail to her to see if she is willing to join me with her experiences of being a Tuesday--Tuesday Nolan, to be exact.

Posted by meetmondayknight at 7:23 PM CDT

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